It is a test done by blood . Torch test detect infection of Toxoplasma , Rubella virus , Citomegalovirus , herpes simplex virus. Indication – ONE WHE IS SEEKING fertility , IUGR ,Intrauterine death miscarriage etc .How does it present with – Torch test is basically a battery of test clinical presentation of infected person is – mild fever , cough , cold , rashes , tiredness etc . There is no any prerequsit before taking sample for Torch test means blood can be taken any time of a day also fasting sample us not required. How does it affect pregnancy – it causes abortion , Infertility, and various developmental defect in foetus , for birth defect it responsible for around 2-3% of cases . Maximum damage to foetus happens in first trimester of pregnancy. Toxoplasmosis causes intrauterine growth retardation of fetus,jaundice, enlargement of liver and spleen,cardiac anomaly, cataract etc where as mother infected with rubella- fetus develope Abortion , various congenital anolay of eye , heart and ear . so it is important to get tested for status of Torch infection before conception. How does Torch report is read- TORCH test report comes in form of Ig M or IgG . About Ig M – when IgM remain positive it indicated infection is prent which should to treated under guidance of Doctor . When IgG is positive it means disease has happened in past and now body has developed immunity against that particular infection. when IgG is positive it is not at all required to get worried and to seek for any treatment . When both IgG or IgM is positive means body has immunity and disease has occurred again of has occurred recently in this situation it is also mot to worry at all treatment can or can’t be taken it will gey decides by the value of the test and accords treating doctor . If both the test is negative then it is wise to get vaccinated for Rubella . This Rubella vaccination can be given from 9 month of age till any age even in women planning for their baby , only for a month they have to avoid their conception. As there is no any natural way to prevent these infection . Resistance can develope in body either by infection itself or by Vaccination. A pregnant women can not get vaccinated . If women get infected during her first trimester of pregnancy then ther is 90% chance that baby has developed congenital anomaly which are life threatening, cardiac issue , cataract , glaucoma etc in this situation it is better to get the pregnancy terminated as per doctor advice. when a pregnant women get this infection in 2nd and 3rd trimester then cure of disease can be a good option.

Clinical Implications and Management

In Case of Positive Results

In Case of Negative Results

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